Plant Cell Culture



Specialized Supplier of Raw Materials for Plant Cells (callus)

We preserve natural resources through biotechnology,

for the future of people and the planet

Plant cell culture is a technique conducted under in vitro conditions, where callus tissue or other easily dispersible tissues are placed in a liquid culture medium for suspension culture. This results in the dispersion of cells into free-floating suspension cells, which proliferate through subculture, thereby obtaining a large population of cells. Plant cell culture technology enables the scalable cultivation of plant cells in indoor environments, offering cost advantages, uniform quality, stable supply, and environmentally friendly plant-based materials without the need for arable land.

Callus refers to a rapid-proliferating, non-specifically structured and functional cell mass that forms on the surface of a wound or explant in response to trauma stimulation of a plant organ. It undergoes dedifferentiation through in vitro culture under appropriate culture medium and hormone combinations.

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    General Application

    Cosmetic Ingredients
    Food Raw Materials
    Pharmaceutical Raw Materials

    Hot Selling Products for Pharmaceutical Raw Materials

    Taxus callus extract

    Product Name:TAXUS CHINENSIS callus cultures
    Product Form:Plant Cell/Callus Extract
    Plant Varieties:TAXUS CHINENSIS
    Main Ingredient:Paclitaxel,10-DAB

    Taxus callus extract refers to the substances derived from the callus (a type of plant tissue) of the Taxus species, which includes trees and shrubs commonly known as yews. The extract has been studied extensively for its medicinal properties, particularly its potential in cancer treatment.

    Taxol, also known as paclitaxel, is a potent anticancer drug. It is an extract of the Taxus tree, which has been shown to have anticancer effects. Pharmaceutical companies extract paclitaxel, leaving the poisonous chemicals in yew behind for the treatment of breast and ovarian cancer


    Process Flow Show

    —–  p l a n t  c e l l  s c a l e  p r o d u c t i o n  t e c h n o l o g y  s y s t e m

    Product System

    Customized products - core features

    Plant Cell Scale Culture Platform Technology System

    Breakthrough in mass production, variety breakthrough and flexible production

    Based on the “new technology of integrated metabolic control of biosynthesis and post-biosynthesis ” ②)the “back wave disposable bioreactor ” ③technology pioneered by GUGU, we have formed an internationally leading plant cell scale culture platform  technology systemt with completely independent  intellectual property rights  .This technology system has achieved three difficult technological breakthroughs : industrialized mass production of plant cells (flexible production of 1000 liters per unit), freedom of species (all plant species can be mass produced on this technology platform without restriction)and flexible production④.

    Plant Cell Repository

    Exclusive plant cell repository

    The plant cell resource bank with unique fingerprint map and unique plant cell induction and domestication technology can quickly obtain high quality,traceable cell seeds;the plant cell scale platform technology system with completely independent intellectual property rights covering the whole production chain of plant sampling,cell line construction,cell culture,induction and regulation,scale culture,extraction and purification,nutrient solution configuration,etc.

    Protecting ecological sustainability
    • Storage of a large number of cherished, endangered, high- quality plants callus seed sources
    • 32 species of tissue culture seedings and 62 cell lines of callus are available and constantly increasing
    • Complementary: each cell line can only be mass- produced on the platform of our own patented technology system for large- scale production

    Raw Material Category

    Based on each type of plant cell raw material,we offer the development of various product forms.


    • Water-soluble raw materials
    • Oil-soluble raw materials
    • Powdered raw materials (freeze-dried, spray-dried)
    • Raw materials with cell walls (water-soluble)
    • Customized raw materials

    Industry-leading Technical Capability

    Single-unit mass production capability
    • O u r  p r o p r i e t a r y  p a t e n t e d  t e c h n o l o g y  s y s t e m  h a s  t h e  w o r l d ‘s  l e a d i n g  m a s s   p r o d u c t i o n       c a p a c i t y  o f  a  s i n g l e  b i o r e a c t o r.
    • O n l y  a  s i n g l e   2 0 L  b i o re a c t o r  i s  k n o w n  t o  b e  a va i l a b l e  i n   t h e  m a r k e t . GUGU ‘ s     ‘B a c k  W a v e  D i s p o s a b l e  B i o r e a c t o r ’  i s    c a p a b l e  o f  p r o d u c i n g  u p  t o  1 0 0 0 L     s i n g l e  b i o r e a c t o r s   o n   a         l a r g e  s c a l e.
    • W i t h  r a p i d  m u l t i p l i c a t i o n  o f  p l a n t  c e l l  g r o w t h  a n d  h i g h e r  y i e l d s  o f   t a r g e t  c o m p o n e n t s , i t      r e a l i z e s  l o w e r  p r o d u c t i o n  c o s t s.
    Application areas that can be covered by mass production technology
    • Unique technology system for large- scale production  of plant cells , which can provide raw m aterials to cosmetics , food and pharmaceuticals .

    Technical barriers

    Cell line (seed), nutrient solution (fertilizer) and bioreactor(factory) are complement each other
    • Unique plant cell resource bank – the cell line with unique fingerprint profile  is difficult to be imitated; the unique plant cell induction and domestication technology can  quickly obtain high-quality, traceable cell seed source.
    • Plant cell scale production technology system – a full set of complete technology system (cell line screening,metabolic  regulation, efficient production,analysis and extraction ,etc.)with independently-owned intellectual property rights ;raw materials and culture equipment of nutrient solution used to cultivate cells are both easily available and economical.
    • Flexible production system – the unique “wave-back wave” wave-making technology and disposable bioreactor technology can realize the flexible culture and production of plant cell s on a large scale,which is suitable for the  market charateristic of small amount and  many kind of plant raw materials.
    This is Secret

    A Brief Self-Nomination,Why Choose GUGU?

    GUGU has built the world’s first large-scale C-GMP disposable bioreactor and the plant cell culture R&D and production center,

    moreover, it has grown into a global technology leader in plant cell scale culture platform and a leader in cellular agriculture.

    Reliable Specialized Supplier of Raw Materials for Plant Cells (callus) in China
    • Offers the market with low cost, standardized and customizable botanical cell raw materials for cosmetics, functional foods, pharmaceutical compounds and a wide range of other industrial applications
    • Realized industrialized mass production of plant cells (flexible production of 1000 liters per unit), freedom of species and flexible production which are the three major technical breakthrough.
    • GUGU has an ever-expanding “plant cell resource library” which contains many plant species with high commercial value. It promotes the application of plant cell raw materials in various industries such as cosmetics through strong cooperation with domestic and foreign industry experts


    Why choose the GUGU® Platform

    Comparison with agricultural cultivation and competitors of plant cell culture


    • High sustainability and savings in water resources, cultivated area and energy.
    • Safeguarding plant species, including rare or protected ones.
    • Exclusive plant cell resource repository
    • Know-how and professionalism.
    • Sterile and controlled environment.
    • Full supply chain traceability.
    • Industrial scale-up, flexibility and production standardisation,lower cost
    • Absence of pesticides, fertilisers, environmental pollutants, substances or products hazardous to human health.
    • Samples and bulk products can be checked by liquid  chromatography  to ensure the authenticity of the fingerprints and additional additions from natural plants .

    • High titre product of the active botanical ingredient of interest.
    • High-quality active botanical ingredients.
    • Extraction of extremely pure, contaminant-free active botanical ingredients.
    • Yield independent of seasonality, climatic changes and the plant’s vegetative cycle.
    • Stable, standardised and repeatable active botanical ingredient.
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    Frequently Asked Questions

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    Taxus callus extract refers to the substances derived from the callus (a type of plant tissue) of the Taxus species, which includes trees and shrubs commonly known as yews. The extract has been studied extensively for its medicinal properties, particularly its potential in cancer treatment.

    Taxus callus cultures have been induced using different tissue explants such as seed contents, young stems, and needles. The callus derived from stem segments has shown the best growth in defined media. The culture medium is often supplemented with reducing agents and phenolic-binding compounds. The callus tissues of Taxus cuspidata, for instance, were extracted for taxol after two months in culture and analyzed by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The presence of taxol was indicated based on UV spectra, peak purity as assessed by photo-diode array spectroscopy, and compared with an authentic taxol as well as by 1H-NMR analysis.

    Taxol, also known as paclitaxel, is a potent anticancer drug. It is an extract of the Taxus tree, which has been shown to have anticancer effects. Pharmaceutical companies extract paclitaxel, leaving the poisonous chemicals in yew behind for the treatment of breast and ovarian cancer.

    In terms of commercial products, paclitaxel is available as a prescription drug for the treatment of various types of cancer. It is also used in research for the development of new cancer treatments.

    axus callus extract is primarily used for the production of paclitaxel (also known as Taxol), a prescription drug that is effective in the treatment of various types of cancer, including breast and ovarian cancer. Paclitaxel works by inhibiting the depolymerization of microtubules, which prevents cancer cells from dividing and thus induces cell death.

    Additionally, Taxus callus extract has been used in the biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), which have demonstrated antibacterial activity and cytotoxicity against human cancer cells.These nanoparticles have potential applications in medical treatments and disease management due to their physical, catalytic, and optical properties.
    In summary, Taxus callus extract is utilized in the production of anticancer drugs and for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles with antibacterial and anticancer properties.

    Callus culture, also known as callus tissue culture, is a biotechnological method used to cultivate and regenerate plant tissues, specifically callus tissue. Callus tissue is a type of undifferentiated plant tissue with the ability to differentiate into various plant organs like roots, stems, or leaves. This technique is typically carried out under sterile conditions to ensure there is no contamination by bacteria or other microorganisms.

    10-Deacetylbaccatin III (10-DAB) is a natural organic compound produced by the Pacific Yew tree (Taxus sp.).It is a key intermediate in the semi-synthesis of Paclitaxel (Taxol), an anti-cancer drug, and Docetaxel and their analogs

    10-DAB is used to study the biosynthetic pathway of Taxol.The trunk and leaves of the Yew tree contain the highest concentration of 10-DAB, but it may also be found in other parts of the tree.
    10-DAB is a tetracyclic diterpenoid and a secondary alpha-hydroxy ketone. It is functionally related to baccatin III.10-Deacetylbaccatin III 10-O-acetyltransferase is an enzyme that converts 10-DAB to baccatin III, which is another precursor to the anti-cancer drug docetaxel (Taxotere).
    The market for 10-DAB is growing due to its importance in the production of anti-cancer drugs.It is isolated from dried needles and small branches of the Pacific Yew tree.
    In summary, 10-DAB is a crucial intermediate in the production of anti-cancer drugs like Paclitaxel and Docetaxel. It is derived from the Pacific Yew tree and is a subject of interest in the study of the biosynthetic pathway of Taxol.
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