
Function and effect of “Earthworm Peptide”

Earthworm Peptide is the small molecular fragment of Earthworm Protein obtained through enzymatic hydrolysis technology. With an average molecular weight of around 1000 Daltons, it can be directly and rapidly absorbed by the human body without the need for complex digestion and decomposition processes.


Earthworms have been used to cure diseases in our China for four thousand years.

Earthworms have been used in medicine since ancient times, and earthworm peptides are peptides extracted from the body of earthworms.

“Huangdi Neijing” recorded that the earthworm “salty cold down Qing, but also good at moving”.

Compendium of Materia Medica records that Earthworm “channels and collaterals, promotes blood circulation and dissipates blood stasis, flattens liver and purges fire.

“Shennong Herbal Classic” records: Earthworm has the effects of clearing heat and settling panic, activating channels and collaterals, activating blood stasis, relieving asthma and diuretic

Why do earthworms regenerate after death?

When a small earthworm is cut in two, a new head will grow out of the missing one; Where the tail is missing, a new tail will grow. In this way, they become two earthworms.

In 1991, Swedish scientist Boersger solved the mystery.

In the biological world, why only the earthworm has such a magical function? What, in the end, can make the earthworm “rebirth”? It turned out that the earthworm contained a special active protein in its body, which was medically called “active drisolin.” This protein is different from other biological proteins. After the earthworm is cut, this “living dragonin” immediately plays a role, stimulating various cells of the earthworm, rapidly mitosis, and re-establishing a new set of biological systems such as movement, touch, and smell to achieve rebirth after the break. Before long, one earthworm became two.

The biologist Charles Darwin once called it “the most valuable creature in the world.”

In 2009, Announcement No. 18 of the Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China listed dragon protein as a new resource food.


What are the nutrients of earthworm peptides?

The unique life phenomenon of earthworm is mainly related to its rich content of nutrients. It contains:
1) More than 20 amino acids;
2) A variety of beneficial proteins that can be directly absorbed by the human body;
3) A variety of active enzymes;
4) More than 20 trace elements and minerals

  • Amino acids are the basic materials for building human cells and repairing human tissues. It controls all life activities such as human growth, development, metabolism and synthesis.In earthworm protein contains a variety of amino acids, of which 5 are essential amino groups.
  • Enzymes are important substances involved in all metabolic activities of the human body, catalyzing the absorption of nutrients and the discharge of metabolic wastes by cells. The human body does not have enzymes, life will stop, the content of enzymes determines the quality of life, the concentration of enzymes determines the length of life. There are salivary enzymes in the mouth that help us absorb and digest nutrients.

           The earth dragon is also known as the “milleworm”.Earthworm protein contains rich active enzyme components,                    which can purify and promote blood circulation, ensure the supply of human nutrition and the discharge of                             metabolic  waste.

Earthworm contains more than 20 kinds of minerals and trace elements, it is characterized by rich variety, through the biological transformation of dragon body into an organic state, easier to be absorbed by the human body, and promote human metabolism, activate human function

What is earthworm peptide?

Earthworm peptide is a small molecular fragment of diguroprotein obtained by enzymolysis technology, with an average molecular weight of about 1000D. It can be directly absorbed and quickly absorbed by human body without complicated digestion and decomposition.

The earthdragon peptide  of Gugu is a small molecule peptide purified from earthworm protein peptide,the average molecular weight is below 500D.

Peptide is known as “biological missile”, earthworm peptide is the most effective use of earthworm protein, taking direct absorption, easy to recombine after entering the blood can more vividly play the function and role of earth protein peptide.


What is earthworm peptide?

There are a variety of enzymes, nucleic acids, trace elements and other components in earthworm protein, and its molecular weight is 5000-10000.The Gugu Earthworm peptide is extracted on this basis, and the molecular weight was even smaller, less than 500D.

1.Dissolve fresh and old thrombus

It can smoothly enter the microvessels, dissolve the microplugs in the microvessels, and restore the elasticity of the hardened microvessels, so as to relieve the blockage and distortion of the microvessels. Among them, fibrinolytic enzyme can directly dissolve fibrin, the main substance that forms human blood clots, so as to play a strong direct thrombolytic role. Fibrinolytic activating protein activates tPA in the human body, and then produces plasminogen by itself, and then converts it into plasminase in the human body, because this way is produced by people themselves, which indirectly dissolves thrombosis, which greatly improves its safety.

earthworm protein can dissolve fresh and old thrombosis, improve the body’s own anticoagulation function, activate the differentiation characteristics of vascular endothelial cells, open up meridians, promote microvascular regeneration, establish collateral circulation, open up new blood pathways for lesion tissues, repair necrotic brain nerve cells, cure hemiplegia, and be of great significance for the prevention of cardio-cerebral vascular diseases and rehabilitation of stroke sequelae. Thus achieving sustained thrombolysis effect.

2.soften blood vessel

The fibrinolytic enzyme and other active substances contained in earthworm can dissolve the fibrin network on the vascular wall of atherosclerosis, and change and prevent the natural course of arteriosclerosis to a certain extent.

3.Reduce blood viscosity

Eliminate the pathological products such as cholesterol plaque attached to it, promote the synthesis of DNA of vascular endothelial cells, promote the repair of vascular wall damage, soften blood vessels, restore blood elasticity, and make blood smooth. The detection of nail wrinkle microcirculation changed from abnormal to normal, thus eliminating the hidden danger of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents.

4.Hypoglycemic effect

Due to the positive positive comprehensive effect of earthworm protein, it improves various functions of the human body, improves the internal environment of the body, and promotes the recovery of islet function. The use of earthwrom protein has a certain hypoglycemic effect.



In the culmination of ancient wisdom and modern scientific understanding, GUGU Earthworm Peptide emerges as a testament to the profound healing potential encapsulated in nature. The rich historical significance of earthworms in traditional Chinese medicine finds resonance in the meticulous extraction of peptides, unlocking their regenerative and therapeutic qualities. GUGU’s Earthworm Peptide, with its small molecular weight and myriad health benefits, symbolizes a bridge between tradition and innovation. As we delve into the realms of cardiovascular health and overall well-being, GUGU Earthworm Peptide stands as a beacon, guiding us towards a harmonious integration of ancient remedies and contemporary solutions.

Vivian Wong
Vivian Wong
GuguPharm Specialists

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